Governance review
The Aspire Multi-Academy Trust has undergone an External review of Governance (ERG) during the summer term of 2023, with the final report published on 23rd July. The review was commissioned by East Midlands Regional Group of the DfE and undertaken by a National Leader of Governance. The ERG assessed in depth every element of governance across the Trust through a variety of evidence sources including a wide range of Trust documentation , structured interviews with stakeholders and observed activities including a Trust Board meeting.
The review concluded that the Trust has highly effective governance procedures and structures that provides Aspire with a strong foundation on which to expand. The main findings are:
- The Trust has a very clear vision and ethos and a clear set of strategic aims which are strongly and clearly understood and respected by both members and directors.
- The Trust is delivering strong accountability of the executive function in terms of educational improvement.
- The trust is maintaining robust oversight of the trust’s finances and challenging the trust executive to ensure that they are taking full responsibility for its financial affairs, stewardship of assets and using resources efficiently to maximise outcomes for pupils.
- The board is of a sensible size and comprises of a good mix of new and long serving directors and a diverse range of skills, experience and aptitudes. Directors understand the strategic nature of their role and demonstrate the judgement and confidence to effectively hold the executive leaders to account.
- The board is a group of directors who blend well and perform together as a motivated and engaged team and three new directors are likely to be integrated effectively. The board benefits from leadership of a skilled and committed chair, who is highly committed to the trust and provides strong and effective leadership and direction to the governance of the trust.
- Local governing bodies feel a strong sense of belonging and collegiality from the trust and are valued and well supported.
- Overall, it is considered that the trust board is delivering very effective governance.
The report is accompanied by an action plan to facilitate development of governance functions and effectiveness as the Trust grows.
The full ERG report is available here.