MAT Policies
The Aspire Multi-Academy Trust has produced a range of policies which are implemented across all Academies within the MAT. The aim of MAT policies is to provide consistency of practice and guidance across all Academies in the MAT, and to reduce duplication at local level. Additional policies may have sufficient local content to require the production of an Academy-specific policy, which will be found on the individual Academy websites.
- Attendance Policy (v4.0 - 09/2024)
- Behaviour Policy (v3.0 - 02/2024)
- Bereavement Policy (v1.0 - 09/2023)
- Children with Health Conditions Who Cannot Attend School Policy (v1.0 - 04/2021)
- Code of Conduct for Parents ,Carers & Visitors (v2.1 - 12/2022)
- Complaints Policy (v3.0 - 03/2024)
- >> Complaints Form
- Designated Teacher for Looked After-Children & Previously Looked After Children Policy (v2-0 - 12/2020)
- Medical Conditions Policy (v3.0 - 05/2024)
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy (v3.0 - 02/2024)
- Uniform Policy (v1.0 - 05/2022)
- Bullying & Harassment of Staff Policy (v2.1 - 04/2021)
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025 (v10.0 - 09/2024)
- Child-on-Child Abuse Policy (v1.0 - 12/2022)
- Disciplinary Procedure (including Allegations Against Staff and Staff Code of Conduct) (v2.3 - 07/2023)
- Domestic Violence and Abuse Policy (v1. - 09/2023)
- Family & Parental Leave Policy (v2.0 - 05/2024)
- >> Maternity/adoption leave application form
- >> Paternity leave application form
- Flexible Retirement Policy for Support Staff (v1.0 - 05/2022)
- Flexible Working Policy (v1.0 - 07/2024)
- Grievance Procedure (v2.1 - 04/2021)
- Leave of Absence Policy (v5.0 - 09/2023)
- Lone Working Policy (v2.1 - 04/2021)
- Managing Underperformance Policy (v1.1 - 04/2021)
- Menopause Policy (v1.0 - 05/2022)
- Pay Policy (v2.4 - 07/2021)
- Performance Management Policy (v1.1 - 02/2020)
- Redundancy Policy (v1.0 - 04/2019)
- Sickness Absence Policy (v2.1 - 04/2021)
- Terminal Illness Charter (v1.0 - 04/2019)
- Trade Union Recognition Agreement (v1.0 - 07/2018)
- Appointment of Directors & Academy Governors Procedure (v4.0 - 07/2023)
- Code of Conduct for School Governors (v2.0 - 07/2021)
- Conflicts of Interest Policy (v3.0 - 05/2024)
- Data-Protection-Policy (v3.0 - 05/2024)
- Finance Policy & Procedures Manual (v7.0 - 07/2023)
- Fraud & Corruption Policy (v4.0 - 05/2024)
- Health & Safety Policy (including First Aid and Educational Visits) (v1.1 - 12/2022)
- Risk Management Strategy and Risk Register (v2.1 - 09/2023)
- Scheme of Delegation (v7.1 - 06/2024)
- Virtual Meeting Policy (v3.0 - 07/2023)
- Whistleblowing Policy (v4.0 - 05/2024)