Scheme of Delegation
Delegation of decision making
For the purposes of providing improvement support and determining degree of delegation and autonomy for decision making our academies are put into one of three categories according to current Ofsted status. These are:
Requires improvement
The designation is determined by the amount of support that each academy requires to bring about improvement and become an academy that is at least good. An academy can be placed in a higher (less autonomy /more support) category if it shows evidence of declining outcomes but has not received a recent Ofsted inspection. Those academies that are already good or outstanding have a considerable degree of autonomy. The designation for each academy is reviewed annually.
Our Scheme of Delegation applies to all academies rated Outstanding or Good by Ofsted, unless exceptional circumstances apply. Academies rated as Requires Improvement or Inadequate will have a Scheme of Delegation specific to their circumstances. The degree of delegation, if any, will be determined by the Trust Board through its Standards & Values Committee.